

4 | Environmental Impact Statements

15 | Environmental Assessments

30| Environmental Baseline Surveys

14 | Public Meeting Facilitations

Planning Services:

Gryphon offers a wealth of experience performing environmental planning and analysis for a wide array of projects, from asset divesture and acquisition actions to DoD force structure change actions. Whatever the proposed action, large or small, our seasoned multi-disciplinary team possesses the skillset to accurately gather data and conduct thorough analysis.

Supporting Veterans Benefits

Veterans Administration PEIS

Project TypeProgrammatic Environmental Impact Statement

LocationWashington, DC

Key Take AwayOur ability to develop large complex NEPA documents

Gryphon was awarded this PEIS to evaluate environmental, cultural, socioeconomic, and infrastructure  and community services impacts associated with VA’s Housing Loan Program. Working in concert with Potomac Hudson Engineering, Inc. (PHE), the team coordinated with multiple stakeholders to to develop a DOPAA and schedule and host public outreach. The complex project spans across a large region of influence including all 50 states and five U.S. territories. The PEIS will allow VA to continue serving Veterans and their housing needs into the future while remaining compliant with environmental laws.  

Facilitating Army Training

Pinon Canyon Maneuver Site EIS

Project TypeEnvironmental Impact Statement

LocationFort Carson, Colorado

Key Take AwayOur comprehensive understanding of NEPA and Army operations; Our experience with public outreach

Gryphon and Potomac Hudson Engineering, Inc. (PHE) prepared this EIS to address environmental, cultural, and socioeconomic impacts associated with future training and operations of Pinon Canyon Maneuver Site (PCMS). The document serves as an update to the installation-wide 1980 EIS and involves analysis of restructured Brigade Combat Teams (BCTs) at PCMS and analysis of new training components to enable readiness training at PCMS. Project required management of several public meetings and significant public, tribal, and agency outreach and sensitivity.

Supporting International Objectives

Army Environmental Command EA

Project TypeProgrammatic Environmental Assessment

LocationSan Antonio, Texas

Key Take AwayOur knowledge of Army operations and expertise in developing an accurate DOPAA

Gryphon assisted with completing the Department of the Army Programmatic EA for Infantry Brigade Combat Team (IBCT) conversion to an Armored Brigade Combat Team (ABCT) and stationing. Gryphon’s primary role was the completion of the Description of the Proposed Action and Alternatives (DOPAA) given our ability to quickly evaluate newly proposed operational and training requirements. Gryphon evaluated firing range use calculations, maneuver range throughput, and other combat unit training requirements at five locations throughout the nation: Fort Carson, Fort Bliss, Fort Hood, Fort Riley, and Fort Stewart. The proposed conversion was to support strategic decisions within the European Deterrence Initiative. 

Facilitating Stationing Actions

Colorado Army National Guard EA

Project TypeEnvironmental Assessment

LocationFort Carson, Colorado

Key Take AwayOur ability to quickly mobilize and complete a complex project expeditiously

The COARNG contracted Gryphon to urgently complete an EA for a new Readiness Center. The EA had to be completed within six months of notice to proceed or the project would have been unfunded. Upon award, Gryphon immediately coordinated with the Fort Carson Directorate of Public Works to determine host installation requirements and procedures, which served to streamline completion of project milestones. Gryphon’s adept understanding of Army and Army National Guard NEPA procedures facilitated completion of this project within scope and schedule. The construction of the new Readiness Center is scheduled for completion in 2020.

For more information or to request a proposal, please contact us at