Environmental Support Services
Program Support Services:
Gryphon provides environmental program technical and operational support to clients worldwide. We have a thorough understanding of program level management, from identifying and building requirements to resourcing to project execution. We are experts in breaking down tasks and developing process maps that balance workload and improve efficiencies. With this knowledge, we seek out and provide only the highest quality professionals available to support our clients.
- On-Site Program Technical Support
- Reach Back Program Support
- Hazardous Waste Facility Operations
- Industrial Recycling Facility Operations
- Industrial Waste Management
- Environmental Playbooks
- Training
- Process Management
- Interagency Collaboration Support
Supporting the U.S. Air Force
Joint Base San Antonio F2F Environmental Services
Project Type/locationFence-to-Fence Contract; San Antonio, Texas
Key Take AwayOur capability to provide full spectrum on-site environmental services
Gryphon provides on-site environmental support services, including installation hazardous materials program support; RCRA Part B Permit support, air permitting and air quality technical support; sampling, analysis, and monitoring; community outreach; wastewater/ stormwater management; and P2 compliance services. Our staff conducts EPCRA reporting, RCRA Part B/Compliance Plan OB/OD reporting, and performs compliance inspections. We manage desktop reviews of permits, reports, and supporting data to update regulatory-mandated deliverables and databases and conduct routine monitoring of permit-required water and wastewater.

Supporting Installation Operations
88th RD DPW Support Services
Project Type/LOCATIONOn-site non-personal support services; Fort McCoy, Wisconsin
Key Take AwayOur ability to manage a complex project involving multiple sites across multiple states
Gryphon provides a robust on-site team in support of full-spectrum environmental services, operations, master planning, GIS, energy management, engineering quality assurance, resource management, real estate, and information technology for the 88th RD, which is the senior command responsible for a “virtual installation” consisting of over 280+ sites and 820+ buildings and structures across 19 states from Ohio to the Pacific Northwest.
Supporting the Army National Guard
National Guard Bureau Program Support
Project Type/locationEnvironmental Planning, Strategic Planning, and Awards; Arlington, Virginia
Key Take AwayOur capability to provide nationwide mission enabling environmental impact analysis
Gryphon provides environmental planning, strategic planning, awards management, and administrative support to Headquarters, Army National Guard. Gryphon staff provided mission critical environmental review and analysis, and facilitated document completion for proposed actions managed under NEPA, CERCLA, and organizational real property regulations and policies. Gryphon facilitated the ARNG awards development program for the Secretary of Defense, Army, and ARNG review and consideration.

Installation-wide Waste Management Support
Hazardous Material & Waste Management
Project Type/locationIndustrial and Hazardous Waste Management; Tinker AFB, Oklahoma
Key Take AwayAwarded three separate simultaneous contracts
Gryphon managed industrial and hazardous waste under three separate contracts at Tinker Air Force Base. Gryphon had two prime contracts, one to perform installation-wide industrial hazardous waste retrieval and disposal, and another to manage the hazardous waste program for the Navy’s Strategic Communications Wing One. Gryphon also retrieved waste from generating activities as a subcontractor to Tetra Tech under the Air Force’s Base Integrated Environmental Support Task (BIEST) contract.
Supporting the U.S. Air Force
Hazardous Materials Pour Down Facility
Project Type/locationHazardous Materials Management; Hill AFB, Utah
Key Take AwayOur understanding of hazardous materials management
Gryphon operates the hazardous materials (HAZMAT) pour down facility in support of the Ogden Air Logistics Complex at Hill AFB, Utah. Services include the ‘pour-down’ and labeling of bulk HAZMAT into containers sized to be usable on aircraft and aircraft component maintenance lines, the distribution of these products to the requiring cell activities, and the recycling or disposal of the products to minimize hazardous waste.

Supporting the U.S. Air Force Mission Since 2011
Industrial & Hazardous Waste Management
Project Type/locationIndustrial and Hazardous Waste Management; Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington
Key Take AwayAwarded back-to-back five year contracts
Gryphon conducts daily satellite accumulation point inspections and waste retrieval operations for the Air Force’s 62d Maintenance Group (MXG). Gryphon staff also serve as spill responders and environmental management subject matter experts for the MXG. The Washington State Department of Ecology (WDOE) has inspected Gryphon’s operations four times without ever issuing a notice of violation. Gryphon continuously receives excellent CPARS ratings for this project.
Supporting U.S. Air Force Civil Engineer Center
Air Force Environmental Program Support
Project Type/locationEnvironmental Impact Analysis, HM/HW, & Admin Support; Ramstein Air Base, Germany
Key Take AwayOur global reach in supporting Headquarters level programs and installations
Gryphon supported the environmental impacts analysis program of the Air Force throughout Europe and Africa by conducting site visits, preparing and/or reviewing environmental baseline surveys, and facilitating the transfer of real property as required under European Reassurance/ Deterrence Initiatives. Gryphon also provided hazardous material and waste technical support to supported Air Force installations and operations throughout the EUCOM and AFRICOM AOR in accordance with Final Governing Standards (FGS) and/or Overseas Environmental Baseline Guidance Document (OEBGD) requirements.

Supporting the U.S. Army
Fort Carson On-Site Program Support
Project Type/locationP2, Sustainability, and Environmental Management System Support; Fort Carson, Colorado
Key Take AwayOur programmatic environmental support to installations
Gryphon provided pollution prevention and sustainability and environmental management system (SEMS) support to Fort Carson. In addition, Gryphon provided hazardous material minimization, environmental training, and noise management support. Key deliverables included an installation-wide P2 Efficiency Study, P2 Plan Update, Environmental Battle Book, Net Zero Policy Development and Pilot Project Implementation, SEMS Manual, SEMS Awareness Training, and an Operational Noise Management Plan. Gryphon staff received Fort Carson’s Sustainability Champion Award for two consecutive years in support of the installation’s Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) award for Education and Outreach.
For more information, please contact us at info@gryphon-env.com.